Humberston Cloverfields Academy provides breakfast and care for children from Reception to Year 6 from 7:45am to school start time each day (breakfast stops being served at 8.30am). Children wishing to attend should come to the club building at the front of school via St Thomas Close. When Breakfast Club finishes, the children will then be taken to class by a member of staff.


A variety of food is offered such as toast, cereal, crumpets and muffins. A variety of spreads are offered such as butter, jam, marmalade, lemon curd, honey and nut free chocolate spread (on occasion).

On Wednesday, pancakes will be offered to children attending.


There is a selection of activities and games played for example, themed are held for Children in Need and Red Nose Day and other events. Board games and craft activities are also available.

In the dry weather, activities are played outside.


The staff that are involved in the Breakfast Club are Cloverfields staff and not outsourced.


Cost per day is £3 per child, please book via the MCAS app.


Learning Showcase


Learning Showcase